The Application of Metabolic Pathways on Biotechnology
Several websites are reknowned for their extraordinary contribution to the field of discovering pathways - not only within human beings but in other organisms as well.

ExPASy - Bioinformatics Resource Portal
This database serves large importance when trying to obtain a Biochemical Pathway map. The provided maps are rather detailed and offer extensive knowledge on what enzyme breaks down what molecule at a particular portion of the reaction, in addition to the products and reactants.
HumanCyc: Database Collection
This database is a subdivision to the BioCyc site. It contains information regarding the pathways of Homo Sapiens. The database offers identical features as exhibited at BioCyc and contains 243 metabolic pathways.
EcoCyc: Database Collection
This database is a subdivision to the BioCyc site and contains information rather specific to the bacterium Escherichia coli K-12 MG1655. Unlike its sister divisions, EcoCyc does not contain the metabolic pathways of the bacterium. Rather, it contains Flux-balance Metabolic Model, various publications regarding the genome of the bacterium, and a Transcriptional Regulatory Network.
MetaCyc: Database Collection
This database is a subdivision to the BioCyc site. It contains information regarding Multiorganism Metabolic Pathways and contains Enzyme Databases as well. It offers identical features as exhibited at BioCyc and contains 2,097 pathways for 2,460 organisms.
This database serves large importance when trying to obtain a Metabolic Pathway map. The provided maps are rather detailed and offer extensive knowledge on what enzyme breaks down what molecule at a particular portion of the reaction, in addition to the products and reactants. It includes information regarding: Human Diseases, Genetic Information Processing, Drug Development, Cellular Processes and etc.
BioCyc: Database Collection
This database is particularly useful when trying to identify and learn more about all the pathways within a single organism. The database contains a total of 2988 Pathway/Genome Databases. The site also allows individuals to print out pathway maps and compare the pathways between two different organisms.

SRI International is a non-profit research and development center that assists not only the government but many modern day industrial markets.

Scientist Otto Meyerhof. He, along with Gustav Embden and Jakub Karol Parnas, disovered the Glycolysis pathway.
Scients Hans Adolf Krebs. He discovered the Urea Cycle and most importantly the Kreb's Cycle.
Peter Dennis Mitchell. He discovered the Oxidative Phosphorylation Pathway which helped gain more information on how the Mitochondria makes energy.
Carl and Gerty Cori. They discovered the Lactic Acid Cycle which later came to be known as the Cori Cycle.