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​Where would most of our creations be if specific companies and scientists had not been there to uncover the mysterious pathways controlling our bodily functions? Without the people responsible for these discoveries and productions, we would lack the sufficent means needed to treat various diseases, we would be susceptible to foreign cases of attack without having the explosive means to fire back, and we would lack the chemical means to rid our homes and fields of undesirable pests and herbs.


A photograph of the scientist Otto Meyerhof. (Image Citation)

The metabolic pathway Glycolysis was discovered by Otto Meyerhof, Gustav Embden, and Jakub Karol Parnas.

Hans Adolf Krebs, a German-born British scientist Hans Adolf Kreb discovered the urea cycle in 1932 with the help of his assistant, Kurt Henseleit. Hans Kreb also discovered the the citric acid cycle or Kreb's cycle in 1937.

A photograph of the scientist Hans Adolf Kreb. (Image Citation)

Peter Dennis Mitchell discovered the oxidative phosphorylation pathway and how the mitochondrion makes energy through this pathway.

A photograph of the scientist Peter Dennis Mitchell. (Image Citation)

A photograph of Carl and Gerty Cori. (Image Citation) (Image Citation)

Carl and Gertrude Cori, two biochemists, discovered the Lactic acid cycle - also commonly referred to as the Cori Cycle.


Metformin companies produce anti-diabetic drugs that work by inhibiting the production of glucose in the liver. Pathway wise, this pharmaceutical drug interferes with the gluconeogenesis pathway.

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