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Issues Pertaining to the  Discovery and Applications of Metabolic Pathways

​While each discovery of a new pathway brings on potential advantages that can largely benefit society, it is not a hidden fact that each discovery brings a negatively impacted disadvantage. 

Societal Issues


​​Implications on the Environment: ​It is because of the discovery of various pathways that the development of herbicides and insecticides containing powerfully toxic chemicals came to existance. The negative effect cannot be seen by just examining the one plant sprayed, it can be exhibited through the examination of the entire ecosystem.





Not only is the food hierarchy affected, but the continuous sprayinig of herbicides and insecticides leads to resistance from both parties (weeds and insects).

A diagram depicting the the increase in toxicity as the food chain gradually reaches the main predator. (Image Citation)

Ethical Issues


​​Implications on the Chemical Development: ​​As examined in the applications portion of this webpage, the discovery of metabolic pathways led to the development of potential agents used during the combats of war. How humane is it to deliberately create toxic chemicals to cause injury and at times even death to another human being?




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